What can CAMC do for you?

CAMC benefits include: the annual Wage & Benefit Report, Manufacturing Day participation, education opportunities, networking opportunities, Women in Manufacturing peer group, facility tours, weekly newsletter, yearly golf outing, job fairs, outreach to local schools, manufacturing excellence awards, special events with CAMC partners, advocacy, and so much more..
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Wage & Compensation Report

CAMC distributes an annual report that includes current local and state wage trends with components of compensation, retirement plans, and insurance coverage.


Each year, Manufacturing Day is held the first Friday in October to show the reality of modern manufacturing careers by encouraging companies and educational institutions to open their doors to students, parents, teachers and community leaders. The fourth industrial revolution is rapidly changing our world. New advanced manufacturing technologies bring about new careers, requiring a skilled workforce including bioengineers, data analysts, robotics technicians, and all of the operations in between. MFG Day empowers manufacturers to come together to address their collective challenges so they may help their communities and future generations thrive.